Daniel Padfield

“Why toast when you can roast” - Mark Corrigan

I am a microbial ecologist working at the University of Exeter in Penryn, Cornwall. I have broad interests that span climate change, evolution, and community ecology. My research has concentrated on how environmental change alters the interplay of ecological and evolutionary dynamics in microbial communities. I do this by combining theory and simulations with experimental evolution. In January 2023 I started a NERC Independent Research Fellowship at the University of Exeter to explore the links between climate warming and antibiotic resistance in microbial communities.

One of my favourite parts of research is exploring new and exciting datasets. I have been using R for >10 years - authoring the R packages nls.multstart and rTPC - and specialise in the wrangling, manipulation, and visualisation of large datasets and statistical analysis.

I am also a carer for my partner. She has full-body neuropathic pain, severe ME/CFS and has been bed-bound for around 4 years. She lives with her parents in Cheltenham and I visit for long weekends every three to four weeks.

If you are interested in collaborating or have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you.